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Oedipus king

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The thematic discussion of Oedipus the king is based on the attitude that some of the characters from the story had regarding pandemics, and how people's choices can be limited by fate. True or False?
Is IMAGERY one of the literary devices of the story? Yes or No
What is the writing style used in this literary piece? a. Dramatic comedy b. Dramatic irony c. Dramatic tragedy
Dramatic tragedy
What is the relationship between Oedipus and Jocasta?
Mother and son Wife and husband
what’s the name of the blind prophet
What was the prophecy the oracle had for Oedipus
He would kill his father and have children with his own mother
Sophocles was one of the 3 most famous __________ of Greece more
Which were the three stages Sophocles included in the characters in his literary works?
Interaction with the public, suicide, real emotions
how many main characters did Sophocles liked to include in his plays?
What kind of problem or natural disaster was having the city at the beginning of the story?
a plague
Who was Creon? a) a messenger b) a guard c) Brother of Jocasta d)a god.
c) Brother of Jocasta
Who was Jocasta?
The queen of Thebes
Who was Oedipus?
The king of Thebes, son of Jocasta and Laius