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English 4 U30

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Eco-friendly sources of _____ include wind power and solar power. A) energetic B) energy
What do you think has caused global ______? A)warming B) warmth
The giant panda is one animal that is _____. A)danger B) endangered
Is air ____ a bigger problem in summer or winter? A)pollution B) polluted
For many cities, smog is a serious _____ issue. A)environment B) environmental
The ____  of the Earth is around 7 billion people. A) populated B) population
It’s a good idea to look over your bank and credit card ____ to make sure they are correct.
Do I have to pay a fee if I just want to make a balance ____ ?
My bank doesn't charge a ________ fee for cash withdrawals, but many banks do.
Almost nobody is paid in cash anymore. Most companies use direct ______ to pay their employees.
I prefer to pay my bills using direct _______. That way, I can never forget to pay them.
If you don’t pay off your credit card______ at the end of the month, you will have to pay ____.
balance / interest
Always remember to check the ______ rate when you travel abroad.
The Bennetts are happy with their bank. They won’t switch. → But if they __________
If they were unhappy, they would switch Banks.
You shouldn’t buy gold right now. I wouldn’t. → I____________
I wouldn't buy gold (right) now if I were you.
You should invest in real estate. That’s what I would do. → If I _____________ in real estate.
If I were you, I would invest in real estate
Cathy isn't here. She can't give us advice. → If Cathy ______________
If Cathy were here, she would give us some advice