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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cristian's tooth _________ (hurt) for nearly two weeks before he finally _________ (decide) to go to the dentist.
had been hurting, decided
We were really hungry when we _________(get back) from the cycling trip because we _________(forget) to take any sandwiches.
got back, had forgotten
I __________ (never / go) to the Camp Nou stadium, so I was thrilled when my uncle ________ (give) me tickets for the Barcelona - AC milan match last week.
had never been, gave
Carla was tired and dirty when she ________ (get) home because she _________(help) her grandad in his garden all afternoon.
got, had been helping
I _________ (only speak) for 30 seconds when he interrupted me with a question.
had only been speaking
I _________ (already finish) the work when she ________(offer) to help me.
had already finished, offered
We _________ (walk) up the mountain for about three hours when suddenly it _______(begin) to rain.
had been walking, began
The storm damaged the house where she __________(live) since she left school.
had lived
He helped to raise money to repair homes which the hurricane __________ (damage)
Had damaged
I _________ (recognise) her from the photograph, although I _______(never speak) to her before.
recognised, had never spoken
When I ______ (arrive) in Nairobi, I wasn't allowed into the country because I __________ (lose) my passport.
arrived, had lost
The party, which our hosts _________ (organised) before we arrived, was one of the most enjoyable parts of our trip.
had organised
I didn't know my way around the city because I ______________ (never be) there before.
had never been
We were feeling hungry although we ______________(eat) lunch only an hour before.
had eaten