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Which country has the most active volcanoes?
Indonesia. This country in Southeast Asia currently has 58 active volcanoes.
Who is the person who reads a seismograph?
A seismologist
What are things people need to think about when building houses in places where earthquakes happen?
The kind of materials are being used, the design, and if the structure can move with the shaking ground (or other reasonable answers).
Who are scientists who study the solid, liquid and gaseous matter that make up the Earth?
Many people have a hard time breathing and plants can die because this happens when a volcano erupts.
When the air is filled with ash.
What did people used to call tsunamis? (Hint: 2 words)
Tidal Waves
What does the word ‘tsunami’ mean?
The word tsunami is a Japanese word and in English it means “harbor wave”.
What can explode underwater and cause a tsunami?
An underwater volcano
A tsunami can be caused by this breaking off and crashing down.
What is the height of the highest tsunami wave?
524 meters on July 9, 1958 in Alaska. The force of the wave removed all trees and vegetation from elevations as high as 524 meters above sea level.
What is one way a tsunami is formed? It has to do with movement of tectonic plates.
An earthquake
Which volcano erupted in Italy and completely destroyed the city of Pompeii?
Mount Vesuvius
What proves that there is magma in the mantle of the Earth?
The flowing lava that comes out of a volcano.
Where can you find many volcanoes?
Ring of Fire
The name volcano comes from this Roman god.
What is molten rock called once it comes to the surface of the Earth’s crust?
If your home is located here, it is directly above where an earthquake occurred.
What are the different layers of the Earth?
The inner core, outer core, mantle and crust.
How does an earthquake occur?
When tectonic plates stick or rub together.
What can happen after an earthquake which can startle and scare people?
What tool is used to measure earthquakes?
What ocean is where 80% of tsunamis happen?
The Pacific Ocean, near the Ring of Fire.
The largest earthquake in the world happened in this country in 1960.
An emergency evacuation kit should include some of these items.
Warm clothes, food, water (or any other reasonable answers).
The biggest volcano can be found here.
The largest volcano on earth is Mauna Loa on Hawai'i Big Island. It is a massive 17,000 meter shield volcano constructed by countless lava flows.