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Land Bridge and Native American

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Who lived in section 5?
Eastern Woodlands
Who lived in section 4?
Great Basin
Who lived in section 3?
Southwest Desert
Who lived in section 2?
Who lived in section 1?
Pacific Northwest
Why did the people of the Pacific Northwest have time to make beautiful jewelry, carve totem poles, and hold parties?
Their environment gave them everything they needed.
Corn, beans, and squash are called .....
3 Sisters
Which Native Americans ate seals, whales, deer, and berries because they lived between the ocean and the forest?
Pacific Northwest
The Plains Indians needed a home that was easy to take down because.......
They had to follow their food.
What material did the Southwest Desert Indians use to make their homes?
Adobe brick
Environment with high mountains and deep canyons
Great Basin Indians
Hot and dry environment
Southwest Desert Indians
Which group lived in an environment close to the Pacific Ocean?
Pacific Northwest
Eastern Woodlands environment
woods and trees
Plains environment
flat and grassy
How were the people and the woolly mammoths able to cross the Bering Strait?
The Ice Age caused the Bering Strait to freeze into glaciers. The glaciers broke apart and they walked on the sand that was underneath.
Why did the people cross the land bridge?
They followed their food.
True or False: The people and the woolly mammoths crossed the Eastern Strait/
Where did the people who crossed the land bridge come from?