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Natural Resources

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The ship got into an accident. Oil from the ship started to leak out into the ocean. What pollution is this causing?
water pollution
What natural resource is this made with?
Which natural resource is this made with?
trees: wood
A group of people are washing their clothes in the river. What does this cause?
Water pollution
A lady is driving a car which is emitting black smoke. What pollution does this cause?
Air pollution
What are the different types of pollution?
water, air, land, noise, light
Name two things that can reduce air pollution.
riding a bike, walking, using less cars, using public transportation
Where does fossil fuel form?
It forms underground.
What does reduce mean?
It means to use less.
What natural resource do we use to make jewelry?
What natural resources can we use to make a coat?
Animals (wool) or plants (cotton)
What is a landfill?
Landfill is a place where trash gets buried.
What are three things plants can be used for?
furniture, paper, food, etc.
Where do all the recyclable items go after they are thrown in the bin?
They go to the recycling center.
What is something you should do BEFORE you recycle?
Clean the recyclable items.
Which of these can NOT be recycled? a) milk carton 2) tree branches 3) newspaper 4) glass jar
3) tree branches
What causes land pollution?
What causes air pollution?
smoke from cars and factories
What are the three Rs?
recycle, reduce, reuse
What is an important resource that give us both heat and light?
What are examples of natural resources? Say at least 3.
air, sunlight, water, soil, plants, animals and fossil fuels
Look at the picture. Say the objects that show natural resources.
butterfly, trees, snail, mushrooms