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Four Seasons

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What do humans do to adapt in Winter season?
(answers may vary)
Mention three ways for the animals to survive during winter!
Hibernation, migration and physical adaptation.
What is the name of the time when it is the shortest day of the year?
Winter Solstice
What causes the opposite winter times in Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
the tilting of the Earth, one side away from the Sun, another side facing towards the Sun
True/False: Winter starts in June in New Zealand?
What do animals do in Autumn?
Some migrate, some gather foods to prepare for Winter hibernation
What happen to the plants during Autumn?
Leaves change colors & fall from the trees
What is called when the lengths of day and night are equal during Autumn?
Autumn Equinox
True/False: Autumn takes place starting from September in Northern Hemisphere?
What is the transition season from Summer to Winter?
What is the sign of Spring season?
Flower blooming
What do animals do during Spring?
Some animals wake up from their hibernation, some give birth, bees gather pollen/nectar from the blooming flowers, birds making nests.
When will each hemisphere get 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness?
The beginning of Spring and Fall/Autumn
What season happens in Korea during March-May?
When does Summer happen in Australia?
December, January, and February
What do humans do during Summer?
(answers may vary)
What is Summer Solstice?
It's known as midsummer, when one of Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt towards the Sun. The area will experience the longest day of the year.
What happens during midnight sun? Where does it happen?
You can see the sun at midnight, and it happens in Antarctica and Lapland
Mention 2 countries that experience Summer during June-August!
(any Northern Countries)