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Blox fruit Quiz

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Which of the two fruits that has the first name (Bird) on it?
Bird: Phoenix and Bird: Falcon
Which awakening require that fruit mastery 400 in update 17.3
Bird: Phoenix
What is the hardest raid?
Human Buddha or Dough or Quake
Which raid is the Easiest
Flame or Light raid
What is the most Popular awakening fruit
Dough Awakening
What is the only Elemental fruit (Logia type) don't have an Awakening
What is the maximum bounty you can get?
30M (30 million bounty)
What sword does the most damage in skills
Saber sword (Completely Critical Hit)
Which fruit can Encounter Dragon?
Dark fruit
In update 17.2 What does bomb called?
The strongest fruit
How many robux does need for a Dark Blade?
1200 robux
Is Mihawk in blox fruit an NPC or a player?
Player (rip_indra faking to do that)
Who does red_game43 fight often
Who is the Owner of blox fruit
Which crew has the most bounty
Cipher Pol 0
Free 20 points for you!
What is this fruit
Human Buddha
Which boss drops the Dough Commander title
Cake Queen (lvl 2300 boss)
What is the most expensive fruit in 17.3
What is the most expensive fruit since the first update (update 1)
Human: Buddha
What boss drops dark dagger
rip_indra (level 5000 boss)