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ULS MS Oct 2022 Vocab

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(1.) Something asked to find out information  (2.) Something that needs a way to make it better. 
PROBLEM means (2.) Something that needs a way to make it better. 
(1.) TO find out an answer  (2.) a scientific test done to find out about something
SOLVE means (1.) TO find out an answer  
(1.)  Facts about the world around us.   (2.) The last part of a project where an answer is found
CONCLUSION means (2.) The last part of a project where an answer is found
(1.) Information collected and used to learn something  (2.) What you think will happen
DATA means (1.) Information collected and used to learn something  
(1.) To find out an answer. (2.) One part of many parts that it takes to make something
STEP means (2.) One part of many parts that it takes to make something
(1.) To try out a guess or idea to see what happens (2.) Something that needs a way to make it better.
TEST means (1.) To try out a guess or idea to see what happens
(1.) The last part of a project where an answer is found (2.) What you think will happen
GUESS means (2.) What you think will happen
(1.) Something asked to find out information (2.) Information collected and used to learn something 
QUESTION means (1.) Something asked to find out information
(1.)  One part of many parts that it takes to make something  (2.) a scientific test done to find out about something
EXPERIMENT means (2) a scientific test done to find out about something
(1.) Facts about the world around us.  (2.) To try out a guess or idea to see what happens 
SCIENCE means (1.) Facts about the world around us
(1). Problem.  (2). Science.   (3). Test.  
1. Problem
(1). Conclusion. (2). Step.  (3). Solve. 
3. Solve
(1). Test.   (2).  Conclusion.  (3). Science. 
2. Conclusion
(1). Data.  (2). Guess.   (3).Experiment. 
1. Data
(1) Solve. (2) Data.  (3) Step
3. Step
(1). Step  (2). Test.   (3).  Problem. 
2. Test
(1).  Guess (2). Question.    (3). Conclusion
1. Guess
(1). Experiment.  (2). Solve.  (3). Question. 
3. Question
(1).   Question.  (2). Experiment.  (3). Guess.
2. Experiment
(1). Science.   (2). Problem.   (3).  Data.  
1. Science