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21st Century Literature
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What is the song "Sarung banggi" all about?
means ‘one night,’ tells about an enchanted evening encounter between a lovestruck man and a lovely provincial lass.
How did Magayon fall for the love of Ulap?
She fell in love with Ulap upon saving her from drowning.
Who is Lam-ang?
Lam-ang is an extraordinary being, when he was born, he was already able to speak, thus enabling him to choose his own name.
Retell the climax and the ending of the story "Daragang Magayon"
Climax: when Daragang Magayon was shot by an arrow and Ulap was stubbed by one of Pagtugas henchman. Ending: Magayon became the Volcano while Ulap as clouds.
He is said to be the Father of Bicol literature who created the first Bicol news paper "An Paraberata"
Mariano Perfecto
Bicol literature started to prosper during this period since the first printing press were used and introduced.
Spanish Period
What provinces comprises Bicol region?
Albay, Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon
What is Bicol literature?
any literary piece, in any language or person as long as it talks about Bicol, character, place or setting.
Define Iloko literature.
pertains to any literary works of writers of Ilocano ancestry regardless of the language used.
Who translated the epic poem of Biag ni Lam-ang in 1916?
Pedro Bucaneg
The most famous Ilocano literary piece that has been part of Deped's curriculum.
Biag ni Lam-ang
What is the goal or purpose of GUMIL Filipinas?
Ilocano writers association aims at ensuring the literary gem of the North-Ilocano literature prospers even in the 21st century.
Difference of Iloko and Ilokano
Iloko is the langauge while Ilokano refers to the people.
Name the different places that comprises Ilocos region.
Cagayan Valley, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan and the portion of Cordillera region
Ilocanos refer to themselves as Samtoy, a contraction from the Ilokano phrase sai mi ditoy, which means what?-
"our language here"
The trem Ilocano originated from whta word?
It has originated from the word looc or cove or bay, thus calling them people from the bay.
Who are the Ilocanos'?
They are Austronesians-speaking people from Southern China via Taiwan Families and clans arrived in the Philippines by viray or bilog meaning boat.