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Halloween vocabulary B1 (questions+pictures)

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A liquid that is believed to have a magical effect on someone who drinks it.
A building where people live and ghosts regularly appear.
haunted house
A loud, high sound you make when very frightened, excited, or angry.
A person who creates a monster that cannot be controlled or that brings about the creator's ruin.
A stick of wax with a steady flame when lit.
A man who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
A dead person who comes back to life and sucks blood from other people at night.
A belief that things sometimes happen because of good luck or bad luck.
A small rodent, larger than a mouse, that has a long tail and is considered to be harmful.
An eight-legged creature that makes a spiderweb to catch insects.
The frame of bones supporting a human or animal body.
An area of darkness, caused by light being blocked by something.
A very upsetting or frightening dream.
The part of every 24-hour period when it is dark because there is very little light from the sun.
The moon when it is shaped like a complete disc.
full moon
Any imaginary ugly, frightening creature, especially one that is large and strange.
Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.
A film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example dead people coming to life.
horror film
Fictional creatures usually represented as reanimated dead bodies or virally infected human beings. In films and TV series, they eat human brains.
A weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea, making it difficult to see.
A thick stick with material that burns tied to the top of it, used to give light.
A spirit or force that moves furniture and throws objects around in a house.
A body from ancient Egypt preserved and wrapped in cloth.
A set of clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else, especially for a party or as part of an entertainment.
An area of ground in which dead bodies are buried.
A sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, or a piece of this.
A character from a 19th-century novel who is a vampire.
The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs.
One of the oldest superstitions is that crossing paths with this animal will bring on bad luck.
black cat
A small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night.
An expression used by children on Halloween to “threaten” people that they will do annoying tricks if they do not get sweets or small presents.
treat or trick!
A woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
The spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image of that person that some people believe appears to people who are alive.
A large, round vegetable with hard, yellow or orange flesh.