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4th Grade Senses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the three layers of skin?
The epidermis- the outside layer, that you can see. The dermis- the part that contains nerve endings and blood vessels. The hypodermis- the bottom layer of fat.
Touch receptors send information where so we can feel things?
The skin contains _______ which detect information about the environment.
Touch receptors
What organ helps you feel?
How does information about smell travel to your brain?
Olfactory nerve
What helps detect smells in the nasal cavity?
Olfactory Epithelium
What is the name of the space inside your head, behind your nose?
Nasal cavity
What are the two holes in your nose called?
What different flavours can your tongue detect? (5)
Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami
We detect different flavours with our ___________.
We detect different smells with our ________.
True or False? You should cover your ears if you hear a loud noise.
True or False? You should put objects in your ear.
True or False? You should listen to loud music with headphones.
True or False? You should dry your ears after swimming.
True or False? You should go to the doctor if you have an earache.
True or False? You should clean your ears with cotton buds.
The signals travel through the _________ to the brain.
Auditory nerve
The _________ transforms the vibrations into signals.
There are three _______ that also vibrate when the eardrum does.
Small bones/ Ossicles
The vibrations then reach the _____, making it vibrate.
Ear drum
The vibrations from the pinna travel into the ear through the _________.
Ear canal
What part of the ear captures sound from the air as vibrations?
True or False? You should use sunglasses.
Name two ways to protect your eyes?
Have regular eye tests, protect your eyes, practice good hygiene
What part of the eye carries impulses to the brain?
Optic Nerve
What part of the eye controls the amount of light that enters the pupil?
What part of the eye captures light and produces an image?
What part of the eye helps the eye focus on light?
What is the hole in the center of the eye called?