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Proficiency Expert C2 - Module 2A

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The noise was so tremendously deafening that employees are required to wear hearing protection mufflers which dampen the _______ of the engines.
No-one was more surprised than he when he managed to ________ through the exam with only 1% over the pass mark.
The stranded passengers let out a cheer as the transmitter __________ to life with the sound of their rescuers voices
The ____________ of excitement hushed to an almost inaudible whisper as they waiting with bated breath for their name to be called.
With all the _____________ and squabbling at the market it was sometimes difficult to understand whether any real trading took place at all
______________ tyres outside made him jump out of his seat with a start.
Some residents found that they spent restless nights tossing and turning without the reassuring _______ of the air-conditioning units.
I love the tranquility of the countryside far from the contant __________ of the motorway.
Their mid-winter dip made their teeth ___________ as they shivered against the biting cold of the icy wind.
_____________ with rage at customer support is unlikely to resolve your difficulties.
The hammer fell so hard upon his thumb that his ______________ of pain were heard right down the street.
The joke was so hilarious that they all __________ with laugher.
He was so hoarse he could barely _______________ his own name.
The officer ________________ his orders so harshly that some new recruits felt unconfortably intimidated at first.