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Slavic Gods

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 facts you remember from out lessons
Name all the civilizations we talked about who lived in the past on the territory of Ukraine
Trypillian, Scythian, Antes and Sclaveni
Name 4 "good" gods
According to the Slavic mythology who created the world?
Perun lived in: a) pine tree b) cherry tree c) oak tree
Oak tree
Name 2 "bad" Slavic gods
Chernoboh and Veles
Why did people believe in gods?
What is a myth?
Name 5 slavic gods you remember
Stryboh is the god of...
Who is the goddess of dusk and dawn?
Beloboh is the god of...
Chernoboh is the god of...
Who was the god of tricks?
Who was the goddess of love?
Who was the god of thunder?