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Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures/Types of Chemi ...

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What is the reactant(s) in this chemical reaction? Br2 + 2NaI → 2NaBr + I2
Br2 and NaI
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Carbon Dioxide
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Concrete
Heterogeneous Mixture
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Vegetable soup
Heterogeneous Mixture
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Tea
Homogeneous Mixture
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Sugar Water
Homogeneous Mixture
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Copper Wire
Is the following an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, or MIXTURE? Table Salt
What kind of reaction is this? 2Al2O3 → 4Al + 3O2
Decomposition Reaction
What kind of reaction is this? 2KCl + HgSO4 →K2SO4 + HgCl2
Double-Replacement Reaction
What kinds of reaction is this? Br2 + 2NaI → 2NaBr + I2
Single-Replacement Reaction
What kind of reaction is this? 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Synthesis Reaction
What is the equation for a double-replacement reaction?
AB + CD --> AC + BD
What is the general equation for a single-replacement reaction?
AB + C --> AC + B
What is the general equation for a decomposition reaction?
AB --> A + B
What is the general equation for a synthesis reaction?
A + B --> AB
What is a product?
Substances that come OUT of a chemical reaction
What is a reactant?
Substances that go INTO a chemical reaction