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past simple/past perfect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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First I tidied the flat, then I ____ down and had a cup of coffee. a, sit b, had sit c, had sat d. sat
d. sat
I opened my handbag to find that I ______ my credit card. a. forgot b. had forgot c. had forgotten d. had forget
c. had forgotten
When I ____ to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport. a. had get b. had gotten c. got d. gets
c. got
Last year Juan _______ all his exams. a. had passed b. passes c. passed d. had pass
c. passed
We had already eaten when John _____ home. a. comes b. come c. had come d. came
d. came
I ... to Disneyland in 2002. a. have been b. will go c. went d. had gone
c. went
After we .... all the sandwiches we decided not to have any sweets. a. ate b. were eating c. had eaten d. eat
c. had eaten
He .... his leg in a skiing accident last year. a. broke b. has broken c. had broken d. breaks
a. broke
I .... her for 3 years until I met her at last. a. saw b. didn't see c. hadn't seen d. wouldn't see
He had lived in Edinburgh for 2 years before he ..... to Glasgow. a. moves b. had moved c. has moved d. moved
d. moved
She ....just ...... to watch TV when the power went off. a. has started b. had started c. started d. was started