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Force, motion and magnetism

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kinds of materials can magnets pull through?
non-magnetic things like cardboard, glass, plastic, wood and water
What kinds of things are magnets attracted to?
Metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt and steel
Does this show magnets attracting or repelling?
Repelling (same/like poles repel)
Does this show magnets attracting or repelling?
Repelling (same/like poles repel)
Does this show magnets attracting or repelling?
Attracting (opposite poles attract)
What does it mean for a magnet to "repel"?
push away; same poles repel (S and S; N and N)
What does it mean for a magnet to "attract"?
pull closer; opposite poles attract (N and S; S and N)
What are poles on a magnet?
the ends of a magnet; north (N) and south (S)
What is a magnet?
an object that can pull certain types of metal toward itself
What is motion?
movement or a change in position
Give an example of a pull.
Various answers
Give an example of a push.
Various answers
What is a pull?
a force that brings an object closer
What is a push?
a force that moves an object away
What is force?
a push or a pull