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Canadian Citizenship Test - Grade 8 Geography Qu ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the five Great lakes.
Ontario, Erie, Michigan, Huron, Superior
Name the Prairie Provinces.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
What are the first two lines of the National Anthem, O Canada?
Oh Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command
Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
Sir John A. MacDonald
Which level of government is responsible for by-laws?
Which political party is in power in Ontario?
The Progressive Conservative Party
What do you call a law before it is passed?
A bill
Which federal political party is in power?
Liberal Party of Canada
True or False? A voter information card tells you the candidates that are running in an election.
False. It tells you that your name is on the voters list and where to vote.
How many electoral districts are there in Canada? 338? 651? 830?
How often does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?
Every four years following the most recent general election
Who represents the Sovereign in Canada?
The Governor General, Mary Simon
Who is Canada's Head of State?
The Sovereign, King Charles III
Name the three levels of government in Canada
Federal, Provincial or Territorial, and Municipal
What do you promise when you take the oath of citizenship? To pledge what?
To pledge your loyalty to the Sovereign, King Charles III
Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
Canadian citizens who are 18+ and on the voters list.