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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I_____ s________________ every Saturday. (go, play, do)
I go shopping every Saturday.
I go _________ every morning (go, play,do)
I go running every morning.
I________ swimm____ every day (go, play, do)
I go swimming every day.
I ______ karate once a w_____k. (go, play, do)
I do karate one a week.
I _______ football every W_________y (go,play,do)
I play football every Wednesday
What is the centre of an archery target called?
What sport has a puck?
How many clubs can a golfer have in their bag?
What does NFL stand for ?
National Football League
What is the only country to play in every world cup?
How many players are on a baseball team?
In what game in 'love' a score
In which sport was Muhammed Ali popular?
What five colours make up the olympic rings?
Blue, yellow, black, green, red
How long is a marthon?
26.2 miles or 42km
What colour flag is waved in motor racing to indicate the winner?
A black and white checkered flag.
What part of the body can't touch the ball in football?
The hands
What does NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association.