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Active /passive sentences about the environment

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The authorities will have forbidden poaching in two years.
Poaching will have been forbidden in two years (by the autorities).
Renewable energies could eliminate air pollution.
Air pollution could be eliminated by renewable energies.
Flash floods had destroyed the village before we could offer any help.
The village had been destroyed by flash floods before we could offer any help.
Global warming will affect our lives more than we think.
Our lives will be affected by global warming more than we think.
Supermarkets overuse packaging.
Packaging is being overused by supermarkets.
The gardeners have been fighting the spread of the invasive tree.
The spread of the invasive tree has been fought by the gardeners.
The drought was killing many trees.
Many trees were being killed by the drought.
The arsonist caused the forest fire.
The forest fire was caused by the arsonist.
The volunteers are cleaning the oil spill.
The oil spill is being cleaned (by the volunteers).
Deforestation will provoke loss of habitat for many species.
Loss of habitat for many species will be provoked by deforestation.
Exhaust fumes cause a lot of air pollution in cities.
A lot of air pollution in cities is caused by exhaust fumes.
Governments will have phased out fossil fuels in a decade.
Fossil fuels will have been phased out in a decade (by governments)