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C1 Online Learning

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence: you are not ______to vote until you are 18 years old. A. eligible, b. enhanced c. inappropriate d. improper
you are not eligible to vote until you are 18 years old
Complete the sentence: Science has brought ____ the technological revolution.
Science has brought about the technological revolution.
Complete the sentence: A lot of older people are still getting ___grips with this new technology.
A lot of older people are still getting to grips with this new technology.
What is the synonym beginning with 't' for these words: boisterous, confused, riotous, hectic, agitated, noisy, turbulent?
Tumultuous [adjective: more/ most tumultuous]
Complete the sentence: there has been a complete ______ in people's behavior since 2020.
There has been a complete transformation in people's behavior since 2020.
Complete the sentence: JFK was worried about the growth of power of the _________ of defence.
JFK was worried about the growth of power of the Ministry of defence.
What word is defined here? a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem
initiative [noun, countable, many: plural initiatives] e.g., You would be surprised by how many initiatives the World Economic Forum is involved in
What is the synonym beginning with 'e' for these words: improve, add to, heighten, complement?
enhance e.g, if you know a little about the background of wine production, it can enhance your experience when drinking a wine
What is the synonym beginning with e for these words: appealing, charming, fascinating, interesting, pleasant, intriguing?
What do people put in their eyes if they don't want to wear glasses?
Contact lenses
Complete the sentence: I´m worried that governments around the world are taking advantage __ our trust in them
I´m worried that governments around the world are taking advantage of our trust in them