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Flyers Questions 3

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there is a lot of this in cakes, chocolate, ice cream and sweets.
you sometimes see these in the sky after it rains. they have seven colors in them.
windows are usually made of this. it is hard, but easy to break.
they comes from trees, and tables and chairs are often made from it. ( wood, wool, window)
when people cook, they often put this in the food, It is white and you can get it from the sea.
some people who live in hot, dry countries may ride on this animal. (an ostrich, a camel, a otter)
a camel
you can buy medicine, and sometimes brushes, combs and soap at this place
a chemist's
You usually play this game outside in a team of eleven people and you wear shorts and a shirt.
in this competition everyone runs, and the person that finishes first wins. (football, badminton, a race)
a race
you put things in this and carry it on your back.
a rucksack
you put letters in these and write the addresses on the front of them.
if you can't spell a word, you might look for it in this book.
a dictionary
These people write for newspapers or magazines. They also work for TV or radio
This is something that you study at school, for example, English, history and science.
a subject
this is white or brown and you use it when you make cakes, biscuits and pasta. (flour - rice - chocolate)
you go to this person when you have toothache, and he or she helps you.
a dentist
this has a kind of bread at the bottom, with cheese and tomatoes on top of it, and you cook it.
a pizza
you use these for cutting paper and card. you can cut your hair with them, too.
this is someone who works in the theater, in film or on TV. (a dentist - an actor - pilots)
an actor
you can make this with a lot of different vegetables, but you don't cook it.
a salad
this is made of different kinds of fruit, and you can eat it with bread and butter.