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Energy Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the chemical with the formula CO2
Carbon Dioxide
What is the chemical formula for water?
What is the chemical formula for oxygen gas?
What is the name of the chemical with the formula C6H12O6
What process is the chemical reaction showing (read left to right)?
Cellular Respiration
What process is the chemical reaction showing (read left to right)
Name the 3 factors that affect photosynthesis
Temperature, Light Intensity, Water
The purpose of cellular respiration is to produce...
Lots of ATP
The purpose of photosynthesis is to produce....
How many phosphate groups does ADP have?
What is the name (or abbreviation) of the low-energy molecule in cells?
How many phosphates does ATP have?
What is the name (or abbreviation) of the energy molecule in cells?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Name one of the outputs of the Electron Transport Chain
Water or Lots of ATP
Name one of the inputs of the Electron Transport Chain
Oxygen or Electrons
Name one of the outputs of the Kreb's Cycle
CO2 or Electrons
Name one of the inputs of the Kreb's Cycle
Oxygen or Broken Glucose
Name one of the outputs of Glycolysis
Broken Glucose or Electrons
Name one of the inputs of Glycolysis
Glucose or Water
Label for letter F.
Label for letter B.
Electron Transport Chain
Label for letter H.
Kreb's Cycle
Label for letter J.
Name the process occurring in this image
Cellular Respiration
Which organelle is shown here?
Name the process occurring in this image
Name one of the outputs of the Calvin Cycle
Glucose or ADP
Name one of the inputs of the Calvin Cycle
CO2 or ATP
Name one of the outputs of the Light Reactions
Oxygen or ATP
Name one of the inputs of the Light Reactions
Light, Water, or ADP
Label for letter E.
Label for letter D.
Calvin Cycle
Label for letter C.
What is the name of this organelle?
What is a heterotroph?
An organism that obtains food made by another organism
What is an autotroph?
An organism that creates its own food