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modals necessity permission prohibition unit 9 t ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: Please, Can / Could / May you bring something to the party?
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: If you want to go, you must / can / may. Just call me when you arrive.
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: Employees may not/ mustn't / can eat food at their desk. We want our office to be clean.
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: You must / mustn't / can't touch the stove! It's hot.
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: Yes, you may / can / could have one of my fries.
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: No, you can't / may not / couldn't.
Choose the one that you can't use in the sentence: Can / Must / Could you help me with the dinner, Vicki?
Did you have / Had you to make an appointment?
Did you have
Sophia needed to / must prepare well for her interview last Monday.
needed to
Employees don’t need to / need to wear formal clothes on Friday. They can choose to wear what they like.
don't need to
Yesterday I had to / didn’t have to finish the report by the end of the day because my boss needed it last night for an important meeting.
had to
You must / don’t need to bring your résumé to the interview because I already have a copy.
don't need to
Do you have to/need sign your contract?
have to
I have/must to go grocery shopping today.
We need/must finish our work before we can leave.