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P100 Chapter 5 Pre-Test

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a pro & a con of body cams
Pro: increases liability, could limit UOF Con: Limits discretion, only see one viewpoint
What is the difference between a meat-eater & grass-eater cop?
Meat-eater: directly engages in corruption Grass-eater: passively engages, like taking bribes
What was the first private policing agency?
The Pinkerton Detective Agency
What concept did the South Park episode talk about?
The issue of jurisdiction
T/F: Jurisdiction is the legal authority to act (NOT limited by geographic boundaries)
What is police discretion?
Decision to choose to enforce the law Law in action v. law in the books
Which department is considered the "legal arm" of the federal system & who is in charge of it?
Department of Justice - headed by U.S. Attorney General
What is fragmentation in relation to policing?
Because of decentralization, there is a lack of communication between the policing bodies (local to state, state to federal, etc.) Lack of communication
T/F: Modern policing is based on a centralized model
False: decentralized
In relationship to the Modern Era of Policing, what are some of the technological advances that have become important?
Fingerprinting, body cams, polygraph testing, DNA testing
T/F: Polygraph is admissible in court as a source of evidence
What was the Community Era of policing concerned with?
Expanding policing into the community Cops become more service-oriented & problem-solving
What were some problems during the Political Era of Policing?
Law enforcement was heavily tied to political interference Bribes were often accepted
What was the focus of the Professional Era of Policing?
Sought to drive the politics out of policing & wanted to focus more on crime fighting & responding to crime
By the year 1880, all major cities in the U.S. had adopted ____'s model
Sir Robert Peel
T/F: The U.S. still has a quasi-military structure, hierarchical ranks, & chain of command today
Who is considered the father of American policing & advocated for immense police reform in the U.S.?
August Vollmer
Who is credited with being the father of policing & established the Metropolitan Police Force in London?
Sir Robert Peel
Name one of the 6 organizations that focus on national security issues (part of federal policing)
TSA, ICE, border patrol, customs, National Guard, Secret Service
Why was the Department of Homeland Security created?
It was created in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks
List the 4 eras of policing
1. Political Era 2. Professional Era 3. Community Era 4. Modern Era