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Global English 7 - Unit 3.5 - Don't waste it

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the missing word. Seaweed is ______ in oceans everywhere. (find)
Seaweed is found in oceans everywhere.
Complete the sentence using the present passive. _______ all plastic waste __ ____ in the recycling bin? (should/put)
Should all plastic waste be put in the recycling bin?
Complete the sentence using the present passive. Baseball caps and glasses ____ ___ __ _____ in the classroom. (must/not/wear)
Baseball caps and glasses must not (mustn't) be worn in the classroom.
Complete the sentence using the present passive. Belts ___ __ _____ of materials such as leather, plastic or cotton. (can/make)
Belts can be made of materials such as leather, plastic or cotton.
Complete the sentence using the present passive. Diamonds ____ _________ at high temperatures deep underground. (form)
Diamonds are formed at high temperatures deep underground. (form)
Complete the sentence using the present passive. Too many empty plastic bottles ____ _______ into the ocean (throw)
Too many empty plastic bottles are thrown into the ocean.
Complete the sentence using the present passive. Oil _______ under the earth and under the sea. (find)
Oil found under the earth and under the sea.
What is foam?
A lot of bubbles that stick together on the surface of a liquid
What are raw materials?
Materials in their natural state, like wood, coal and oil.
What is a habitiat?
The natural home of a plant or animal.
What is algae?
Algae are small plants with no stems or leaves that grow in or near water.
What are; 'small plants with no stems or leaves that grow in or near water'?
What is 'the natural home of a plant or animal'?
What are 'materials in their natural state, like wood, coal and oil'?
raw materials
What is 'a lot of bubbles that stick together on the surface of a liquid'?