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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sweet food can you get from a maple tree?
Maple syrup
What is this dessert called?
Beaver tail
Where can you find the CN tower?
in Toronto
What is Canada's biggest city?
The ________ leaf is the most well-known symbol of Canada.
The indigenous peoples of Canada make homes of ice and snow called ________.
The ______ people are indigenous to Canada.
What is on the Canadian flag?
maple leaf
Queen __________ ____ is the current reigning monarch in Canada.
Elizabeth II
______ and _________ are the two official languages in Canada.
English and French
Who is this?
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada.
In what city can you see this building?
The ________ is another animal native to Canada.
polar bear
This mammal native to Canada is called a _________.
killer whale
The _____ is the national animal of Canada.
The ______ is an animal common to Canada.
The capital city of Canada is _________.
Canada has ____ provinces and ____ territories.
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.
______ is a famous Canadian dish consisting of French fries with cheese curds and topped with gravy.