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Famous places

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This bridge connects the Lesser Town to the Old Town in Prague. What is the official name of it?
Charles Bridge
This beautiful parliament is located in Europe – Do you know the city?
What is the official name of this tower which you’ll find in Seattle?
Space Needle
This Roman Catholic church in Barcelona began in the later nineteenth century and remains unfinished due to civil war and construction complications.
Sagrada Familia
Recognize the monument
The tallest building in the world since 2008
Burj Khalifa
The tomb of ancient Mughal emperor's favourite wife in the Indian city of Agra.
Taj Mahal
Three waterfalls which span across the international border of two countries. The three waterfalls are called Horseshoe falls, the American falls, and the Bridal Veil falls.
Niagara Falls
This neoclassical statue was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. It commemorates US independence.
the Statue of Liberty
This art deco structure of Jesus was created completed on 1931. It stands thirty metres tall and is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Where is it?
Rio de Janeiro
Where is this Holocaust Memorial (city)?
Where is this famous castle?