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C2 profiency key vocab units 1 & 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to be "in line with something" means
to agree
to be "dead set on something" it means...
to be intent on doing or obtaining something
when something "runs wild" it means...
it's gone out of control
"hefty" means...
very big or weighty
"to get carried away" means...
to get overexcited about something you almost lose control
"to fork out" means...
to spend money, usually a large amount
(Exp) "to get by on a shoestring budget" means...
to survive with little money
(Exp) "to spend a fortune" means...
to use a lot of money
(Exp) "to rough it" means...
to stay somewhere far from luxurious
(Exp) "to get off the beaten track" means...
to visit uncommon places
(Phr v) "to turn up" means...
when somebody arrives, usually unexpectedly
(Phr v) "to settle in" means...
to become comfortable in a new situation/place
(Phr v) "to pay off" means...
to give the money back for your debts
(Phr v) "to jump at" means...
to take a new challenge or opportunity eagerly
(Phr v) " to come up with" means...
to think of a new idea
(Phr v) "to catch up with" means...
to tell somebody your news or what's going on in your life
(Phr v) "to cut back on" means...
to reduce your use of something
Describe the idiom: "the rest is history" & use it in a sentence.
you are sure the following events are obvious/known
Describe the idiom: when smthng is "on the cards" & use it in a sentence.
likely to happen
Describe the idiom: "out of the blue" & use it in a sentence
Describe the idiom: "to go downhill" & use it in a sentence
a situation becomes worse
Describe the idiom: "fall into place" & use it in a sentence. 
produce a situation that you wanted