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Movie Time

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What show is this clock from?
What show is this clock from?
Phineas and Ferb
What show is this clock from?
The little Rascals
What show is this clock from?
Stranger Things
What show is this clock from?
Mr. Bean
What show is this clock from?
The Goldbergs
What show is this clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
Alice and Wonderland
What movie is this clock from?
Peter Pan
What movie is this clock from?
Into the Spiderverse
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is the clock from?
Back to the Future
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is the clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
Princess and the frog
What show is this clock from?
scooby Doo
What show is this clock from?
The Flintstones
What movie is this clock from?
101 Dalmation
What show is this clock from?
What show is this clock from?
Wallas and Gromit
What show is this clock from?
What show is this clock from?
Bugs bunny
What show is this clock from?
Bear and the big blue house
What show is this clock from?
Sponge Bob
What show is this clock from?
Winnie the Pooh
What show is this clock from?
sponge Bob
What movie is this clock from?
Blue's Clues
What movie is this clock from?
Back to the future
What movie is this clock from?
Lady and the Tramp
What movie is this clock from?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What movie is this clock from?
101 Dalmatians
What movie is this clock from?
 Safety Last!
What movie is this clock from?
Back to the Future
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
Alice in Wonderland
What movie is this clock from?
The Nightmare Before Christmas
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
Beauty and the Beast
What movie is this clock from?
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
What movie is this clock from?
What movie is this clock from?
Peter Pan