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Food production

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What is the meaning of the initials UNEP?
United nations environment problems
What impacts did the green revolution have in the post 1960 period
The green revolution was seen as the solution to the food problem in many parts of the developing world
Name the different types of food aids
Relief food aid, program food aid and project food aid
What is malnutrition and what are the effects?
Malnutrition is when supplies are significantly reduced. Effects: less resistance to deseases
Name two economical political factor that contribute to food shortage
Low capital investment, rapidly racing population, pour distribution, conflicts situations
What is land tenure?
Land tenure is the way in which land is or can be owned
What is agricultural technology?
Is the application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products
In which way has irrigation enabled farming?
It has enabled farming to flourish in the dry southwest
Does organic farming use manufactured chemicals?
What is the difference between intensive and extensive farming?
Extensive farming produces small amount of agriculture obtained per hectare of land and Intensive produces high input per unit of land to achieve high yields
What is the aim of commercial farming?
To maximize yields in order to achieve the highest profit possible
Are arable farms involved with livestock?
Why does a farm require a range of inputs?
So that the processes that take place on the farm can be carried out