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Phonics Test 9

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the sentence complete or incomplete?: I think I will stay inside.
Complete (subject- I, predicate- think)
Is the sentence complete or incomplete?: It may rain today.
Complete (subject- it, predicate- may rain)
Is the sentence complete or incomplete?: Need a jacket or a sweater.
Incomplete/ missing subject/who
Is the sentence complete or incomplete?: Dark clouds and cold wind.
Incomplete- missing predicate/action
Fix the sentence and identify if it is D (declarative) or I (interrogative): that puppy hid my socks under the bed
(T)hat puppy hid my socks under the bed (.) D
Fix the sentence and identify if it is D (declarative) or I (interrogative): did Max hide them again
(D)id Max hide them again(?) I
Fix the sentence and identify if it is D (declarative) or I (interrogative): have you seen my green socks
(H)ave you seen my green socks (?) I
Write the word using the special sound clues: sm in smoke, oo in tooth, th in this
Write the word using the special sound clues: h, old in gold, -ing in pointing
Write the word using the special sound clues: ch in church, i in inchworm (short i), m, p
Write the word using the special sound clues: st in stop, ar in star, t
Write the special sound in the word: lamb
Write the special sound in the word: patch
Write the special sound in the word: knot
Write the special sound in the word: gold
Write the special sound in the word: bear
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: smudge
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: twigs
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: shepherd
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: clover
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: cheesecake