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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My hair was styled this morning. (HAD) -> I ... this morning.
had my hair styled
He said that he hadn't stolen the wallet. (DENIED) -> He ... the wallet.
denied stealing
It wasn't necessary for you to buy food. Our fridge is full. (HAVE) -> You ... food. Our fridge is full.
didn't have to buy
We are having The teacher told the class to continue working while she was out. (CARRY) -> The teacher told the class to ... while she was.
carry on working
Mary is still redecorating the dining room. (FINISHED) -> Mary ... the dining room yet.
hasn’t finished redecorating
If we don’t set out early, we won’t catch the first train to town (UNLESS). -> We won’t catch the first train to town ... early.
unless we set out
Your school grades aren’t high enough for you to go to university. (LOW) -> Your school grades ... to go to university.
are too low for you
It was unkind of him not to invite his girlfriend to the party. (SHOULD) -> He ... his girlfriend to the party.
should have invited
It’s the first time Jim has travelled by plane. (NEVER) -> Jim ... before.
has never travelled by plane
I think you should go and see a doctor. (WERE) -> If ... go and see a doctor.
I were you, I would
Mum will definitely be pleased to see your test mark. (DOUBT) -> There’s ... be pleased to see your test mark.
no doubt Mum will