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Unscramble the sentence: jump/I/in/volleyball
I jump in volleyball
Unscramble the sentence: ball/bounce/basketball/I/the/in
I bounce the ball in basketball
I _____ the ball in ________ ________.
I throw the ball in American football
I ___ the ball in ____.
I hit the ball in Golf
Do you kick the ball in baseball?
No, I don't.
Happy Halloween!
20 points for your spooky team!
Correct the sentence: I don't catch the ball in baseball..
I catch the ball in baseball
Correct the sentence: I don't jump in basketball.
I jump in basketball
20 points for free!
Lucky you!
Do you hit the ball in volleyball?
Yes, I do.
I catch the ball in soccer. True or False?
I bounce the ball in Tennis. True or False?
False. I hit the ball