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Halloween Comprehension

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word vibrant mean in this sentence? "Orange symbolized the vibrant colors of their crops and the work of the harvest season."
Very bright, colorful, full of energy, lively
What does mass-produced mean?
The constructing or making of things in huge quantities.
Give me a synonym for the word "tradition"
custom, practice, history, routine, ritual, belief
What does the word "boundaries" mean in this sentence: "The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31st the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped."
Border, area, or dividing line
What does the color black symbolize?
The death of summer.
What does the color orange symbolize?
Vibrant colors of crops and the work of the harvest season.
When did costumes first start getting mass-produced?
Why did people wear masks during the Samhain festival?
The wore masks to avoid being recognized by evil spirits.
Why did we start using pumpkins for carving in the United States?
Pumpkins were more plentiful.
When the tradition of carving scary faces first started, what did people use?
What did the Celts believe would happen when you put a Jack-o-Lantern outside?
It would help guide lost souls who wandered the streets.
How did the carving of Jack-o-Lanterns originate?
People believed carving scary faces would scare away evil spirits.
How far back does the tradition of "trick-or-treating" go?
The Middle Ages
Why did people wear masks and costumes?
To appease evil spirits.
What did the ancient Gaels believe happened on Oct. 31st?
The worlds of the living and the dead overlap.
Why did people celebrate Samhain (saa-win)?
It was the end of the harvest season.
What is the ancient Celtic festival called?
Samhain (saa-win)
What immigrants "carried over" traditional halloween celebrations?
Irish and Scottish
What were three activities mentioned in the passage?
carving jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treating, and "haunted houses"