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Assassin Game

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jing Ke assassinates Emperor Qin
荆(jīng) 轲(kē) 刺(cì) 秦(qín) 王(wáng)
wind blow blow
fēng xiāo xiāo xī
Water cold cold
yì shuǐ hán
strongman go go
zhuàng shì yī qù xī
come back no no
bù fù huán
who wants to vote?
谁(shuí) 要(yào) 投(tóu) 票(piào)?
wǒ yào jiù shuí ?
I want to save who?
Who do you want to kill?
要(yao) 杀(sha) 谁 (shui)?
nǐ shuō shén mè ?
what are you saying?
zuó tiàn wǒ zuò shěn me
what did I do yesterday
daytime save people, night time vote.
bái tiān jiù rén, wǎn shàng tóu piào。
Assassin vote and kill people
刺(cì) 客(kè) 投(tóu) 票(piào) 和(he) 杀(shā) 人(rén).
Civilian want to open eyes and sleep.
平(píng) 民(mín) 想(xiang) 睁(zheng) 眼(yan) 和(he) 睡(shui) 觉 (jiao)。
what time open eyes?
shén me shí hòu zhēng yǎn ?
Doctor saves who at night?
医(yī) 生(shēng) 晚(wǎn) 上(shàng) 救(jiù) 谁(shuí) ?
Civilian kill during daytime
平(ping)民(min) 白(bai) 天 (tian) 杀(shā) 人(rén)