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Ancient civilizations on the territory of Ukrain ...

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What important event happened on the territory of Ukraine during the times of Antes and Sclaveni?
Kyiv was founded
Who was the enemy of Perun and a God of tricks?
What is a myth?
Name 5 Slavic gods and tell about their powers
Sythians where n________ tribes
Name 2 interesting fats about Tripillians.
True or False: Tripillians lived i the Carpathian mountains.
What is acheology?
What is the name of the most famous Scythian jewelry?
What Scythian tribe were called "kings"? a) Scythian warriors  b) Scythian royals c) Royal Scythians
c) Royal Scythians
What was the style of the Scythian jewelry?
During the time of which 2 civilization Kyiv was founded?
Antes and Sclaveni
Wha were the roles of Antes and Slaveni?
Describe the Scythian jewelry.
Golden, with animalistic style 
What crafts and trades did the Scythians practice? (name 3)
processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, sewing, making jewelry... 
What was the civilization that lived between the 7th and 3rd century BC
The Scythians
Where did The Scythians live?
On the territory of modern Ukraine along the Dnipro 
A group of people, who live in the same area and share the same language, culture, and history it's....
A tribe 
What unusual thing did Tripillians do every 60-80 years? And why did they do it?
They burnt all of their houses and cities. As a sacrifice
What is history?
Tell my 4 interesting facts that you learned on the lessons
What is the civilization that lived 6 000 years ago and was famouse for their pottery?
Trypilllian culture is famouse for...
What territory did the Trypilian Civilization take?
from the Carpathian Mountains to Moldova and Ukraine 
What 4 civilizations did we talk abou this week?
Cucuteni-Trypillian (Trypillia), Sythians, Antes, Sclaveni