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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He doesn't play with us. He is ... ... ... boy in our class. (friendly)
the most unfriendly
My friend Pablo is ... than my friend Benjamin. (friendly)
I think climbing is one of ... ... ... sport I know. (dangerous)
the most dangerous
This book is ... than that book because it's very boring.
Veronica always gets ... marks than me in English. (good )
Ben has got curly hair, but Andrew's hair is ... than Ben's. (curly)
Mr Allen is a scientist. He ... with magnets and diamonds.
does experiments
I can ... from 1 to 100.
Susanna never says hello. She is ... ... girl in the school!
the rudest
I have better grades because I'm ... ... than my brother. (hard-working)
Chiara is very tidy. She ... ... her shoes in the house and cleans her room everyday.
takes off
Tom doesn't have good ... . He laughs with his mouth ... ... .
Tom doesn't have good manners. He laughs with his mouth wide open.
They like Lottie more than her sister because she is ... than her sister. (kind)
Julio doesn't have friends because he is the ... student in our class. (mean)
He has bad grades because he is the ... student in our class. (lazy)
Bianca is very friendly. She is ... ... ...girl in our class. (confident)
most confident
My brother doesn't talk a lot. He is ... than me. (shy)