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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Culture shock is a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes. A) True or B) False
In business practices, Polychronic to describe the preference for doing several things at once. A) True or b) False
Look at the photo, is it reflect the standardization or adaptation ?
Define cultural adiaphora?
This relates to the behaviour and customs that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or participate in but are not necessarily required.
Adhering to local dress, Greetings kissing on the cheek; Eating foods that disagree with personal digestion or food not normally eaten are example of cultural ......?
Cultural Adiaphora
Define Cultural imperatives?
customs that must be recognized, acknowledged and accommodated, In some cultures a friendship has to be established before an effective business relationship
Adaptation is crucial in both small matters and the large matters of marketing when dealing with an alien culture. A) True or B) False
Business customs can be grouped into 3 Categories, list these 3 categories?
Cultural imperatives, Cultural adiaphora and Cultural exlusives