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How successful is crowdfunding?
n 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to over $5.1 billion worldwide. And if early data is any indication, it’s just getting started and should present major g
What are the advantages of crowdfunding for the backer? Give examples
Backers are usually offered special ‘rewards’ for supporting a project.For example, 
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a way to raise money for a particular project from a large group of people, usually via the Internet.
What can you do if you have an idea for a project?
you need to decide what exactly you are aiming to do, how you are going to do it, and how much money and time you need.
What are the advantages of crowdfunding for the artist or creator of the project?
there's no need to follow the instructions or guidance of a company.
What sort of projects can you get crowdfunding for?
Any type. It could be to make an album, a book, a ïŹlm, a video game, a new piece of technology.
What are some of the most successful projects to come from crowdfunding?
A video game called ‘Star Citizen’ aimed to raise $500,000.  Neil Young, raisedover $6 million to create a brand new digital music player.
Do you need to have a lot of money to be a backer?
No. Anybody can be a backer. Usually you can pledge as little as $10 to back a project. W