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Selective Breeding and GMOs

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T or F: With Selective Breeding, you may not always get the results you desire.
GMOS are different from selective breeding because ____ is added, by taking it from another organism. In selective breeding, the trait already exists.
DNA/ genes
Which of the following is NOT an example of GMOs? 1. Glow in the Dark kitty 2. Corn 3. Cows 4. Ramen Noodles
A farmer wants to increase the amount of berries on his berry bushes. If the farmer selectively breeds berries, what trait should they breed them for?
Number of berries on the bush
T or F: Pink Pineapples are genetically modified.
Which of the following provides the best example of selective breeding?
Apples that taste the sweetest are planted over again with their seeds, so that over time a species of apples gets sweeter
“The Aberdeen Angus bull is bred for beef. This beef is sold at C&S Wholesale Meat.” This is an example of….
Selective Breeding/Artificial Selection
Bloodhounds are dogs with a great sense of sight and smell that make them very good hunters. Which of the following best describes how humans were able to engineer this breed of dog?
In every generation, only those dogs with the desired traits were allowed to reproduce.
Selective Breeding is the process of changing characteristics based on ___________ influence. 1. Animal 2. Human 3. My teacher’s 4. Behavioral
1. All of the offspring survive to reproduce 2. There had to be variation about the length of hairs in cats 3. The cats had to reproduce slowly 4. The cats with longer hair had to die young
There had to be variation about the length of hairs in cats
1. Fewer White Feathers 2. Larger Bodies 3.Shorter Beaks 4. More Tail Feathers
Larger Bodies