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Spooky Truth or Scare

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Truth: Which Fantastic Beast do you want for a pet?
Your answer
Truth: Which Harry Potter character would you be at a fancy dress party?
Your answer
Truth: Would you rather have no reflection, or see yourself as an old person?
Your answer
Truth: What scary animal would you shapeshift into? Why?
Your answer
Truth: Which are scarier, creepy dolls or creepy clowns? How so?
Your answer
Truth: What do you want written on your gravestone?
Your answer
Truth: Date, marry or never see again? Werewolf, Vampire or Evil Witch
Your answer
Dare: Act out these three scary things: A Vampire, a Werewolf and a Witch. Your teacher must guess which is which.
Just do it!
Dare: Dance the Spooky Scary Skeleton for 20 seconds.
Just do it!
Dare: Pretend to fly around the room on a broom and cackle like a witch.
Just do it!
The beautiful girl next door was always mysterious. Then she started to tell me her secrets ...
Your story
We saw a white horse standing in a field but when we went closer ...
Your story
Whoever had walked through the forest at night, always told the same story ...
Your story
Everyone was too afraid to go into the basement and then I found out why ...
Your story
It was Friday the 13th. I had never been superstitious before but then ...
Your story
Once in the old graveyard, a warlock cast a spooky spell on me and my best friend so ...
Your story
I went into the science lab where I found a witch. She gave me a magic potion and ...
Your story
My friends and I were having a sleepover when spooky things started to happen ...
Your story
Everyone talks about the old house on the hill but I couldn't believe what happened when I went inside ...
Your story
I walked into my empty classroom one day when I found the ghost of a famous historical person ...
Your story
I wanted to be my favourite Halloween character but when my costume came to life I ...
Your story
It was a dark, cold night in October. I was walking down a moonlit path when ...
Your story