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Partial Product Multiplication -- 4th Grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A large rectangle is twice as long and twice as wide as a small rectangle. The small rectangle has a length of 4ft. and a perimeter of 12 ft. What is the area of the large rectangle?
32 ft. squared
Winifed rode her broom 14 laps around the graveyard 12 times last Halloween. She rode 13 laps around 15 times this Halloween. How many laps did she ride in all?
363 total
The product of two factors is 1,600. One of the factors is 20. What is the other factor?
Mrs. Brimer bought 28 notebooks. Each notebook has 54 pages. How many pages did he buy in all?
Skeleton Sam says that the partial products of 34 x 75 are 2,100, 1,500, 280, and 20. Is he correct?
No, 30 x 5 equals 150, NOT 1,500
94 x 79
What are the partial products of 26 x 14?
200, 80, 60, 24
45 x 34