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Difficult Vocabulary 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents don't let me do anything I want. They are very ________ (punishing, strict, tough)
I've done all of my research but choosing my specialization is a _________ decision (tricky, tough, gruelling)
Military training requires running, climbing and so many push-ups that you feel like your arms and legs will break. It is very __________ (punishing, tough, arduous)
A Junior Dr. works 100 hours per week with sick and injured people. It is very __________ work. (arduous, gruelling, rigorous)
Working as a military medic taking care of wounded and dying soldiers, missing arms and legs, is very ___________ (arduous, gruelling, rigorous)
Becoming an expert is an admirable goal but a/an ___________ journey. (arduous, rigorous, tricky)
Some of the questions in the exam were hard to understand. They were very __________ (tough, tricky, punishing)
My boss makes sure everybody follows the rules and does what she wants. She is very ___________ (tough, strict, punishing)
Professional Dancers have to remember a lot of steps. Their training is very _____________. (rigorous, arduous, gruelling)
Legal Training requires learning a lot of things with a lot of details. It is very __________. (Rigorous, Punishing, Tricky)
The assignment was not easy to finish although the instructions were clear. It was __________. (tough, tricky, punishing)
Important rules/laws have to be followed without exception. They have to be _________ (tough, tricky, strict)
Practicing Boxing/Martial Arts leaves you hurting at the end of each day. It is quite __________. (tough, punishing, arduous)
7 days working in the muck is not pleasant work. It is __________. (arduous, rigorous, gruelling)
When climbing up Mount Everest you need to focus on getting to the top. It is __________. (arduous, rigorous, gruelling)