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Bearfest 2022

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Guess the lyric based on the move
Complete the line: "But the attraction...
... for his pupil is what caused his disgrace."
Say all the lines to the Phantom of the Opera poem
Say all the lines to the Lion King poem
Say all the lines to the Mamma Mia poem
Sing the Phantom of the Opera song
Sing the Lion King song
Guess the line based on the gesture
Perform a move from Mamma Mia
Perform a move from the Closing Musical choreography
Complete the line: "Who knows...
... when love begins or what makes it start?"
Complete the line: "Freedom rings...
... 'cross the land as the bad guys are gone."
Complete the line: "Trying hard....
... he undertook his passed father's throne,"
Complete the line: "Not for a....
... lack of love... she just wanted to enjoy life."
Complete the line: " After all...
... this fuzz, the wedding was put aside,"
Complete the line: "Sophie was...
... over the moon 'cause she was a bride-to-be"
Complete the line: "He is not...
... loved in response, life is not fair..."
Complete the line: "Simba...
... walked away, but it wasn't his fault..."
Complete the line: "Beneath the...
... Oper House he lives, with a mask upon his face,"
Guess the line based on the gesture
Act out the gesture based on the line
Perform the moves based on the lyrics
Guess the lyric based on the move
Sing the chorus of  Mamma Mia
"Mamma Mia, here I..."
Sing the chorus of the Closing Musical
"You're simply the best...."