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20221028 TL2 these / those QA

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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those / cats / ?
Are those cats? Yes, they are.
those / ducks / ?
Are those ducks? Yes, they are.
these / speakers / ?
Are these speakers? No, they are not. They are telephones.
these / ?
What are these? They are melons.
those / grapes / ?
Are those grapes? Yes, they are. They are grapes.
those / papayas /?
Are those papayas? No, they are not. They are bananas.
these / strawberries /?
Are these strawberries? Yes, they are.
these / ?
What are these? They are mangoes.
those / ?
What are those? They are peaches.
these / ?
What are these? They are coconuts.
those / ?
What are those? They are kiwis.
those / tomatoes / ?
Are those tomatoes? Yes, they are.
those / cherries / ?
Are these cherries? No, they are not. They are oranges.
those / kiwis / ?
Are those kiwis? No, they are not. They are watermelons.
these / ?
What are these? They are lemons.
those / ?
What are those? They are pears.