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There are penguins in New Zealand, Ecuador, South Africa, Australia, Peru, England.
False. There are penguins in New Zealand, Ecuador, South Africa, Australia, Peru, Chile.
Infectious diseases spread by tourists is one of the threats to penguins.
Penguins can swim 24 miles an hour.
False. They can swim up to 15 miles an hour.
There are 13 species of penguins.
False. There are 18 different species of penguins.
Emporer, adelie and chinstrap are all types of penguins.
50% of the worlds ice is located in the Antarctic.
False. It's 90%.
The inland Antartic ice sheet is 4km thick.
Polar bears live in Antarcita.
False. They live in the Arctic.
There are about 10 million penguins in Antarctica.
False. There are about 5 million penguins in Antarctica.
Antarctica is the most remote continent on Earth.
Antarctica is the second coldest, windiest place on Earth after the Arctic.
False. Antarctica is the coldest and windiest place on Earth.
Each year 40,000 tourists visit Antarctica.
There is a tribe called the Maasai living in antarctica.
False. The Maasai are from Kenya