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e8 - Macmillan - Grammar Practise - Unit 1 - Pre ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When did you buy this smartwatch? HOW LONG
How long have you had this msartwatch?
(they/meet) at the club once a week?
Do they meet
I always (play/guitar) when I'm stressed out.
play the guitar
(Paul zrobił) a lot of photos since he got his new camera.
Paul has taken
How long does it take you to get to school in he morning? SPEND
How much time do you spend to ...
How long have you been engaged? WHEN
When did you get engaged?
How much is this jumper? COST
How much does this jumper cost?
Ile kosztuje ta sukienka? 2x (IS, COST)
How much is this dress? How much does this dress cost?
My brother is going to look for a new job. OF
My brother is thinking of looking for a new job.
Matura exams in Poland are organised in May. TAKE
Matura exams in Poland take place in May.
I met my best friend Jim 10 years ago. FOR
I've known Jim for 10 years.
(Po raz pierwszy jem).... sushi!
It's the first time I have eaten
I've had this laptop (od roku).
for a year
The picture shows two people who ... (siedzÄ…) in a cafe.
are sitting
Bob is really unhappy - he ... (ne zdał) his driving test.
has failed
My mother ... (zna) my father since they went to school together.
has known
I'm a bit stressed out - we .... (wyprowadzamy siÄ™) of our apartament to a house in the countryside.
are moving out
Wow! This dish ... delicious. What is it?
Why .... (twój brat ma ubrany) a suit for school today?
is your brother wearing
My mother ... to work this week because her car has broken down.
is walking
...? She's a manager in a bank.
What does your mother do?