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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it correct that a person buys or sells something and not give receipt of taxes?
Because if you do not give receipt you are not payinmg the taxes to the SUNAT
Why does a community need to pay taxes?
To have a better place to live!
Why did Kings, queens, emperors and goverments invented the taxes?
To live with all kinds of accomodations.
Who pays the salary of the police?
The SUNAT, the government.
if you buy a product for 100 soles, how much will it cost if you add the taxes?
118 soles
Do Tottus, Plaza VEa, Womg, etc pay taxes? Where
Yes, to the SUNAT
Does Alpamayo school pay taxes to the SUNAT?
Who pays the salary of teachers in Alapamayo? The SUNAT or Alpamayo?
Do kids pay taxes?
Yes, when they buy a candy or a chocolate bar
Why do people pay taxes to the SUNAT?
Because the SUNAT gives benefits to the city.
What is the story of taxes?
When the kings lived they needed money and jewelry. So the people had to pay for the good life of the kings.
What is the name of taxes in Peru?
The name is IGV or Impuesto General a las ventas.
Why are taxes necessary?
They are necessary have better schools, libraries, etc.
What is the amount of money you pay for taxes?
It is the 18% of the total buy.
When were the taxes created?
They were created by kings, queens, emperors.
What does IGV mean?
It means: Impuesto General a las Ventas.
What are taxes?
Taxes are money that we pay when we buy or sell something.
What is the name of the Institution that collects taxes in Peru?
What can happen if you do not pay taxes?
We could not have libraries, schools, police station, etc.