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Hotel Pensylvania best monster scene

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What blocked the road when Dracula was driving to the airport
Why wolf’s “Sniffing tracking days “ were behind hm
because he changed a lot of diapers
What sinks
t - shirt
Why was Johny scared at the end
He was afraid that the girl would kiss him
What was the colour of Johnny’s eyes eyes
Why according to Dracula Johnny shouldn’t step into the swimming pool ( what might happen)
He could lose his make up
What took place in the swimming pool
chicken fight
What was wrong with the first song of the band
It was too sad ( old school)
Who (What) pinched Dracula
glasses ( invisible man)
Why did Frankie traveled by mail
He has a plane phobia
Complete Dracula’s sentence ( behave well ) “This is the hotel not a …..
What kind of illness did the bigfoot have
What was the plumbing issue about
clogged toilet in room
How did the houskeeping enter the room
on the broomsticks